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Maurice Ashton

Maurice Ashton is a lecturer in information technology in the Faculty of Business and Information Technology at Avondale College in Cooranbong, Australia. He spent the first half of his life teaching science and maths, until he was snared by technology and computers. He is currently (1998) studying for a belated PhD in information technology, which explains why he listens more than he writes to this group at the moment. His orientation is straight, but his interest in this group has grown out of a desire to support those who are often rejected by the church. When he finds the time, he takes speaking engagements in local churches to try and break down some of the prejudices and barriers that Christians place between themselves and others.

Maurice has two adult children, Brenden, a mathematician, and Toni an optometrist. His wife is a primary teacher and is currently in charge of a large primary school with 15 teachers.
